Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 9 - The Power of a Wave

My intention was made to forget my ego and open up to places full of energy and expression. I was not fully successful in accomplishing my intention but sometimes it is just not there and there is internal work to be done that does not require such expressions. I did use my voice a lot more today and toned more frequently. At times it is really helpful and at others it is just a distraction. While laying on the table for my treatment, there was a lot of commotion going on in the room. Lots of yelling, crying, screaming and even some throwing up! It was quite hard for me to be able to relax with all this going on. I am not one that loves loud places. A quaint quite place suits me well!

Today’s focus was on the lower body, specifically the legs. We were introduced to using waves as a source of energy while giving a treatment. Due to the last experience with spirals and not feeling to well while giving the treatment because of the forcefulness to do more spinning and letting the spirals take hold of your body, apprehension towards this treatment was present in everyone. Arna told everyone that we really had to let the energy take our bodies in the wave and it was always to express more! There were a total of 24 waves with a few spirals in the mix. Thank god I did not have to treat first for I was way to tired to deal with all of that.

During my morning treatment a few interesting sensations went over my body. The first was an energy shift that I was not expecting. All of a sudden, when I started to dose off, what felt like a softball sized rock crashing into my middle back. It produced a ripple effect across my body and I could feel every ripple running through my body as if I had been transformed into a pond. The second sensation occurred at the very end of my session when I was done. For the whole session we had to lye on our stomachs and when I turned over on my side my whole body felt like it was a bag of sand. Comparable to having a weighted blanket lying across your body. A slight tingling sensation was felt throughout my whole being and that was when I knew there had been a frequency change.

Throughout that session I believe I was the only one that did not get emotional. I don’t know why this is. Perhaps I have been cured and already faced everything I needed to face over this course. Maybe I just couldn’t get out of my ego state of mind again. I think one of the factors was the noise level and me not being able to be stress-less.

As I prepared to give a treatment I was a little nervous about how emotional everyone in the morning session got while giving the treatments. This ended up not being the case for me. The point in the treatment when people lost it was when we had to experience the energy of the 24 waves. The first wave started out as a big wave and they progressively got bigger and bigger. I don’t know what it was about my experience but it did not relate to others. Many times the wave would come to me and I would move with it. It might through me around here and there but overall there was no negativity about the waves and it was a pleasurable experience. Sometimes the waves would through me around a little, sometimes they would carry me around like I was someone important. I was encapsulated in a bubble and just floated in one. Another went into my heart leaving all the energy there and flushed out the other side. There was a gigantic one that just stood there, turned into ice but had a warm sensation to touch. Another took me in, laid me to rest and re-birthed me. With all these actions it was hard to really take in the whole experience and probably has to be explained in person to get a full understanding of what went on otherwise I would have to write 2-3 pages for this entry. Not that 2-3 pages would make all that big of a difference in the grand scheme of things.

Something happened to me today that shows the intention and idea behind a lot of this work. I was sitting at the dinner table talking with some of my peers about random things and one of the three cats present in the house decided to jump up on my lap. Before he even touched me I knew something was happening and before I knew it I had something in my lap. I was startled and scared shitless until I realized it was the cat. Immediately after that happened … told me to keep that feeling of being scared in my mind and take some deep breathes for if I don’t I will bottle up that fear and it will be stored in my body, probably my lower back. This is the stuff that gets released in these sessions. Emotions that we have to certain triggers in our life that we hold onto instead of face and accept. The feeling I got from taking all of the experience in and breathing was amazing! If only we all had someone there to remind us to just breathe when things like this happen.

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