Last night I did not get very good sleep do to my late night talk session with Rita and Terry. When I woke up in the morning I felt very out of it. Specific parts of my body felt swollen like my head, nose, tongue, hands and feet. It was like I was looking into a convex mirror. My head felt like it was continually growing while being compressed by a hat, of which I was not wearing. My tongue felt like it weighted 10 lbs and my nose felt the size of a racquetball. These feelings lasted well through the morning circle! I set my intentions in this state of mind and forgot what they were no more than 5 min after. Later on in the day I was having trouble remembering something and someone commented that I met my intention. I then proceeded to ask what my intention was because I could not remember. Everyone around me started laughing and told me that I set my intention to, “step out of my mind” or something long those lines. Man if I new that that was going to happen I would have set my intentions a little higher like: “I intend to find the meaning of life.” Just another missed opportunity!
New intention: “to be true to myself in everything that I do”
Today was in a little bit of a different order than the previous. We talked briefly, set intentions, did our working sessions, were initiated, did formations and then set up our own treatment plan for one of our selected peers and performed the session. It ended up being a pretty long day!
This afternoon we were initiated as practitioners and all we have to do now is get through tomorrow and pass the test. After that we are pretty much set and just have one session to give and some practitioner information to go over + a summary and demonstration of brain work! It is very weird to think that we will be able to practice this work on clients and could potentially make a living from it, originally and still not my intention. I have decided that since I have gone through this program that I am going to use my new “powers” to do trades for massage sessions! I have never received a professional massage because I never wanted to fork over $65 for an hour massage. Now that I am certified to do Frequencies work, worth equal value if not more, I have something that many people will probably be willing to trade sessions for. So, if you are looking for some frequencies work and are a masseuse… let me know, I would also take chiropractic sessions!
There has been an increase in my working confidence. I feel that I know what I am doing and am confident in what I feel. I know that I do not have full control, if any, over the situation and I just have to feel it happening. I am curious to see if there is any change in my confidence in life. I feel that I am a confident person in what I know how to do but maybe there are things that I will be confident in that I have no idea how to do. Only time will tell.
New intention: “to be true to myself in everything that I do”
Today was in a little bit of a different order than the previous. We talked briefly, set intentions, did our working sessions, were initiated, did formations and then set up our own treatment plan for one of our selected peers and performed the session. It ended up being a pretty long day!
This afternoon we were initiated as practitioners and all we have to do now is get through tomorrow and pass the test. After that we are pretty much set and just have one session to give and some practitioner information to go over + a summary and demonstration of brain work! It is very weird to think that we will be able to practice this work on clients and could potentially make a living from it, originally and still not my intention. I have decided that since I have gone through this program that I am going to use my new “powers” to do trades for massage sessions! I have never received a professional massage because I never wanted to fork over $65 for an hour massage. Now that I am certified to do Frequencies work, worth equal value if not more, I have something that many people will probably be willing to trade sessions for. So, if you are looking for some frequencies work and are a masseuse… let me know, I would also take chiropractic sessions!
There has been an increase in my working confidence. I feel that I know what I am doing and am confident in what I feel. I know that I do not have full control, if any, over the situation and I just have to feel it happening. I am curious to see if there is any change in my confidence in life. I feel that I am a confident person in what I know how to do but maybe there are things that I will be confident in that I have no idea how to do. Only time will tell.