Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 51 - Friday October 16th

Vancouver, BC to Bellingham, WA
72.67 miles
5:41.23 hrs
37.7 max
12.7 avg

Another day that starts out raining really hard and makes me rethink my travels for the day and then all of a sudden lightens up! If there is one thing that I am learning, and learning well, about weather forecasting in the NorthWest, it is that the weatherpersons need to find different jobs. No, it is not their fault, the weather is just so unpredictable up here... winds are never constant and are always changing direction so you can never tell where a storm system will really end up.

After a delayed start due to weather, I headed up to the University of British Columbia and rode around the campus. The campus was gorgeous and it made me really jealous that I didn't look around more at other campuses around the nation before picking SLU. Of course, SLU was gorgeous as well but UBC was a LOT larger! Don't worry, I am still glad I went to SLU, this was just a thought that I remember having when riding by UBC.

The rest of the trip to Bellingham was long and pretty boring. I went through a bunch of residential areas that did not provide much scenery. Although I did see a bunch of really interesting houses. I even drove by a house where a film was being shot... I am pretty sure that I saw Ridley Scott! How exciting!

I didn't get into Bellingham till about 9pm. This meant that I spent quite a few hours riding in the dark. At times there were no cars on the road at all for miles and miles. This was good and bad for it would have sucked if something would have happened to me while riding but it was nice to ride in the middle of the lane where the surface conditions were a little better. Not to mention that there was not shoulder on the road I took so if there was a lot of traffic it may have been a little dangerous.

The end of the night worked out well, I stopped in at a motel just to see what rooms were going for in Bellingham and when I told him that I would pass because I was on a budget he pretty much gave me a room for what I told him I could afford! He even upgraded my room so that I could fit my bike in there comfortably. The rooms were very nice and I am going to have to go online to and write a favorable excerpt for him! Too bad more people aren't as gracious as this fellow, he didn't want me sleeping out in the rain (I was totally ok with it though). I had a church yard picked out and ready for me to pitch away!

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