Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 63 - Wednesday November 4th

CGWNP to Sunset Bay NP
73.27 miles
5:46.02 hrs
12.6 avg

The morning started off with a cool ride through a rock tunnel. Upon emerging from the opposite side of the tunnel, the sound of a couple thousand seals rang through the air. In a clearing we had a great view of a beach full of at least 4 thousand seals basking in the sun and playing in the surf! It was fun to watch them body surf with such grace!

Once again, great scenery paired with some new found company. It really is easier to travel with company, although it does not allow for much time by yourself to loose yourself in the ride and ponder the what the vast universe has to offer. It is a trade off though because getting to know new people has rewards beyond value.

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