Leggett, CA to Van Damme SP, CA
59.62 miles
4:55.27 hrs
35.8 max
12.1 avg
Come to find that if I would have continued cycling and yesterday and not had the broken spokes I would have had to climb a crap ton of large hills and had to rough it in the woods! Although, the climbing would not have been so cold, as I woke up this morning and my tent had frost on it! I didn't think I would run into that along the CA coast.
I started my ride this morning no more than a quarter mile from the epic 'Highway 1'. Highway 1 has symbolized the last and supposedly most gorgeous part of my journey. Even though I have over 1000 miles to go the end feels near and I am excited to be in this gorgeous landscape.
I had heard my father speak many times of how he adored Highway 1. He expressed his fond memories of traveling along this road during a college roadtrip. I have thought about these stories many times and I can't wait to experience what he was talking about, although my experience may be a little different since I will be on a bike and not in a car.
Ever since I left Arcata, my route has taken me away from the coast. It was not until today that I was reacquainted with gorgeous coastal scenery. Like my fathers stories, you unexpectedly come out of the cold and dense forest, round one corner, and all of a sudden the ocean opens up to your eyes. The sun hits your face and you are instantaneously warm again! I will never forget the view I had as I ate an early lunch sitting there on the guard rail. Nor the sound of the waves crashing against the mountainous cliffs north of where I sat. Nor the thousands of seals floating amongst the waves upon which I later come to find were not seals at all but seaweed! Nor the feeling that I had when I realized that I left my titanium spork where I ate; even though I thought about the probability of forgetting the utensil as I placed it next to me.
Oh, what fond memories I have made of Highway 1 already. And, I am not even a 100th of the way down it!
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