Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 6 - A Day of Rest (sort of)

I was able to sleep in today because it was our day off. I got a good 12 hours of sleep but still feel like I need more. Much time was spent filling in missing information within these blogs from the previous days. I did get a chance to go into the real world for a little while. I went to “the Wedge” which is a whole foods store it was kind of intense. Driving was the most stressful of the whole experience. During the workshop there is nothing extra that stresses you besides the emotions you spill. It is purposefully made to be as stress-free as possible. So, transitioning from that to being in a car can be stressful at times, specifically during rush hour, is not fun. It wasn’t bad it just took a little used to getting used to.

I felt heavy headed all day and don’t really know why. It seems to me that just sitting here is pretty stressful in it-self. I don’t know what it is going to be like when I am done with the seminar but I read a story about a person who experienced that people treated her different. It was like they wanted to talk with her and she perceived it as the change in energy that she transmitted. I am excited to see if anything like this happens to me.

At around 11:30 pm I got in contact with a good friend of mine and had quite an urge to see him. I had so much to share with him about my experiences that that I decided to risk being tired the next day and see him after he was done working. Since I don’t have a car he was gracious enough to play chauffeur for the night. We ended up staying up till about 4:00 am when he drove me back to my seminar. I felt bad that I had kept him awake but do have to admit that we had some pretty good conversation topics such as: FOB, sexual promiscuity, music, relationships, etc. We shot thoughts, ideas, feelings back and forth, helped each other out with our own observations and for me: brought up and answered a lot of questions I had about certain things in my life pertaining to these subject topics. The interesting part was the relation that these things would probably have to the workshop I am currently taking. Little did I know how close I was to actually facing these subjects!

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